Dedicated volunteers and board member staff clocked in very early on Sunday morning, May 5th, to prepare for this annual event. Soon, the Monrovia Historic Preservation Group (MOHPG) members led by Lee Schamadan, came in to set up their table where day-of tickets were sold and will-call ticket holders checked in.
To complement this annual tradition made possible by MOHPG's Historic Homes Tour, the Monrovia Historical Museum (MHM), as one of the tour stops, holds its annual yard sale. All proceeds benefit the Museum operations. Thanks to our donors, the Museum raised funds to help with the upkeep of our displays and exhibits.
The Museum would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated staff and volunteers for another successful yard sale! Seen in the photos are MHM board members: Franci Bolen, Mark Harvis, Oliver Beckwith, Vicky Hansen, Sharon Motheral, Nennette Ferris. From MOHPG are Lee Schamadan and Kathleen Fresquez. MHM volunteers in the photos are Lea Robinson, Andrew Miller, Carina Arias, and Eliazar Diaz.
To complement this annual tradition made possible by MOHPG's Historic Homes Tour, the Monrovia Historical Museum (MHM), as one of the tour stops, holds its annual yard sale. All proceeds benefit the Museum operations. Thanks to our donors, the Museum raised funds to help with the upkeep of our displays and exhibits.
The Museum would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to its dedicated staff and volunteers for another successful yard sale! Seen in the photos are MHM board members: Franci Bolen, Mark Harvis, Oliver Beckwith, Vicky Hansen, Sharon Motheral, Nennette Ferris. From MOHPG are Lee Schamadan and Kathleen Fresquez. MHM volunteers in the photos are Lea Robinson, Andrew Miller, Carina Arias, and Eliazar Diaz.